14 Lomond Road, Wemyss Bay, Renfrewshire, PA18 6BD | Tel: 01475 522 546 | Mob: 07988 695 452 | admin@eileenmccallumtrust.org
The Eileen McCallum Trust is a charity registered in Scotland, No. SC041537
Research into Duchenne muscular dystrophy has progressed rapidly in the last two decades and while we are extremely hopeful of finding a cure or effective treatment it is important to give our boys everything they need to lead a fulfilling and happy life. Grants are available from the charity for expenses arising due to DMD. Beneficiaries and/or their families can apply for financial assistance for,
I) Housing adaptations
ii) Wheelchair Adapted Vehicle (WAV) downpayment
ii) Services such as hydrotherapy, physiotherapy etc.
iv) Care services
v) Equipment such as, wheelchair accessories, cough assist machines, Pro Move Sling
WAV Downpayment Grant Form
House Adaptation Grant Form
Equipment & Services Grant Form
The forms are in PDF format and can be completed using a PC.
They can then be sent directly to us, see button below. Alternatively
they can be printed and mailed to us at the address at the foot of this page.