14 Lomond Road, Wemyss Bay, Renfrewshire, PA18 6BD | Tel: 01475 522 546 | Mob: 07988 695 452 | admin@eileenmccallumtrust.org
The Eileen McCallum Trust is a charity registered in Scotland, No. SC041537
Eileen McCallum
“I am lucky enough to spend a great deal of time with my two grandsons Milo and Daniel. Since their diagnosis I have campaigned at the Scottish Parliament and brought much needed awareness of Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy to the attention of people in Scotland. A Cross-Party Group has been set up as a result
Our boys’ physical problems do little to spoil their enjoyment of every day. We at the trust are determined to keep a positive outlook to ensure all the children with DMD have the best lives we can give them”